Oliver Main

On the road to success with passive income


... investments for the future

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My path as an investor & finance coach ...

My name is Oliver Main and I live with my partner in the beautiful Inn Valley.
Although my parents tried everything according to their level of knowledge, my life was marked by pain and suffering. However, after I graduated from high school in a technical field, my father thought I needed something safe. So it was inevitable that I became a civil servant and served for 16 years.
Because of my family, friends and the area in which I moved at the time, nobody knew about finances, investments, increasing money through passive income streams, etc. Because of this, I suffered from a lack of money; but actually I wanted so much from life! Due to problems at work and an absolute pointlessness in life for me, I suffered from severe burnout - I definitely do not wish for that! But my experience as a former elite fighter and through my discipline, I knew that I would manage to get rid of it even in this situation, which I actually succeeded after 1 year but still required a long time to work on my own.
So it came about that I came into contact with the topic of personality development and only then understood how everything is connected in life, in every area of life and in the world! Among other things, I learned something about financial intelligence for the first time here, which unfortunately is not taught anywhere (family, school, work). So I started my first company in the nutrition and fitness industry out of nowhere and understood how to become an entrepreneur and what it takes to do that. After a few years, during which it was becoming more and more successful, I slowly but surely got very close to this burnout point and I had to think about what I should do in the future. I wanted to find a solution where you had to work less but earn more money, but most of them didn't even know what I was talking about ... So I started to find out more from the people who were already where I wanted to go. I continued to expand my network, especially with other people, and that's how I got into the investor line a few years ago. Due to ignorance and carelessness, I unfortunately lost a total of a five-figure sum at the beginning, but giving up was not an option and so I continued to educate myself further and further.
With 10 passive sources of income (5 should be built up by everyone these days) I am already light years away better than 95% of all people and I can more than live off it!
Do not miss these opportunities for your life and let us work together to achieve the same for you too, so that you can go into the future as a winner!
Best Regards
Your Oliver Main

